Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A New Sacred Morning

From the east comes the sun, bringing a new and unspoiled day. It has already circled the earth and looked upon distant lands and far-away peoples.

It has passed over mountain ranges and the waters of the seven seas. It has shone upon laborers in the fields, into the windows of homes, and shops, and factories.

It has beheld proud cities with gleaming towers, and also the hovels of the poor.

It has been witness to both good and evil, the works of honest men and women and the conspiracy of knaves.

It has seen marching armies, bomb-blasted villages and "the destruction that wasteth at noon-day."

Now, unsullied from its tireless journey, it comes to us, messenger of the morning. Harbinger of a new day.
----Clinton Lee Scott (September 28, 1887-September 28, 1985), a Universalist minister

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Abilene, Texas, United States
One day life no longer made any sense. I began enquiring, "Who am I", What am I", and "What's the purpose of this life?"


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