Consciousness, or Being, or God, if you will, is in all living things. When we try to "find God" by using our minds as a tool , it is useless and frustrating. We end up in a state of suffering; for some it can be merely a mild discomfort, and for others it can be extreme, depending on how deeply the person is trying to "think" his way to be closer to Being.
I'll put it simply: the key is not resisting.
When we turn loose of the resisting by simply going into the quiet stillness, a centered place residing inside all of us, we can let all thoughts cease, all emotions, and just Be. We enter the precious Stillness. There we experience Being, or God. The ego part of who we are ceases to exist and the oneness of the real "you", the Consciousness, resides and is always there.
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Since late 2016, I have done most of my postings in the Center for Insight.
8 years ago