Saturday, February 27, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Me = You....It'sTtrue
I am are me. How can this be? Most of us strive to be unique, different from the others, and if we aren't doing it outwardly, we at least think in our minds that we are separate from others. Until we understand that we are not separate from anyone or anything, we are living in a state of duality. How do we begin to understand the unity of wholeness, this oneness that we truly are?
"Abide in me as I abide in you", said Jesus. Also, he said "The Father and I are one". Deepak Chopra explains that these teachings of Jesus are rarely applied to ourselves. Yet we should. He says, "Consciousness is a shared phenomenon. No one is isolated from it, and when Jesus speaks from the level of spirit, he is speaking for all human beings. On the spiritual path you become less isolated as an individual and more universal as an expression of consciousness. This change occurs because in truth everything is happening in consciousness. "
I love Chopra's example of how convincing it can be to see ourselves as standing apart from others. He said that when he remembers his mother's face, it exists in his awareness. It's conjured up in his mind. When his mother was alive and he was with her in person, the same thing happened; it was conjured up in his mind.
Here's why: when photons of light hit the retina and are registered in the brain as an image, they create a delay. It takes only a few milliseconds for the brain to register that image and by the time it does, that image is just a memory. The image appears after the fact, much like the light from a star. Even in real life, each of us appears as a stream of memories in our awareness. All other senses, besides that of sight, holds true, also. When someone touches your hand, for instance, that, too, is registered through brain activity after the fact.
Chopra tells us that at the quantum level we are all blinking in and out of existence countless times per minute. Everything is in flux. The brain creates the illusion of constancy, yet in truth the person or thing you believe to be in front of you is actually a ghost of what was in front of ou a few thousandths of a second ago. In this illusion that we perceive as a continual reality, there are many gaps. We go away as much as we stay here. When you go away, blinking out of existence for a fleeting millisecond, you aren't anchored in physical reality. You voyage to the quantum dimension and beyond. Think of this: no one knows for sure where the universe goes when it blinks off and on. This is the glory of the creative process - it's constantly flowing and changing.
"Jesus taught that the spiritual aspect of a person also exists in awareness", states Chopra. A person's spirit comes from a shared source; we are all part of the Divine Source. When Jesus said, "I am in you", he was referring to his essence. When we are in a state of duality, or separatedness, we aren't aware of essence. It will seem as if the soul level of our existence is far away. "By entering another person's situation, by sharing and bonding, you begin to have the experience of literally abiding in someone else. God-consciousness carries this transformation to its final end. You are in everyone else, and everyone else is in you. Instead of perceiving any human being as an individual person, you see them as essence, or pure Being.
Know that you are not a separate person with “an understanding” to gain. You are already all of it.
"Abide in me as I abide in you", said Jesus. Also, he said "The Father and I are one". Deepak Chopra explains that these teachings of Jesus are rarely applied to ourselves. Yet we should. He says, "Consciousness is a shared phenomenon. No one is isolated from it, and when Jesus speaks from the level of spirit, he is speaking for all human beings. On the spiritual path you become less isolated as an individual and more universal as an expression of consciousness. This change occurs because in truth everything is happening in consciousness. "
I love Chopra's example of how convincing it can be to see ourselves as standing apart from others. He said that when he remembers his mother's face, it exists in his awareness. It's conjured up in his mind. When his mother was alive and he was with her in person, the same thing happened; it was conjured up in his mind.
Here's why: when photons of light hit the retina and are registered in the brain as an image, they create a delay. It takes only a few milliseconds for the brain to register that image and by the time it does, that image is just a memory. The image appears after the fact, much like the light from a star. Even in real life, each of us appears as a stream of memories in our awareness. All other senses, besides that of sight, holds true, also. When someone touches your hand, for instance, that, too, is registered through brain activity after the fact.
Chopra tells us that at the quantum level we are all blinking in and out of existence countless times per minute. Everything is in flux. The brain creates the illusion of constancy, yet in truth the person or thing you believe to be in front of you is actually a ghost of what was in front of ou a few thousandths of a second ago. In this illusion that we perceive as a continual reality, there are many gaps. We go away as much as we stay here. When you go away, blinking out of existence for a fleeting millisecond, you aren't anchored in physical reality. You voyage to the quantum dimension and beyond. Think of this: no one knows for sure where the universe goes when it blinks off and on. This is the glory of the creative process - it's constantly flowing and changing.
"Jesus taught that the spiritual aspect of a person also exists in awareness", states Chopra. A person's spirit comes from a shared source; we are all part of the Divine Source. When Jesus said, "I am in you", he was referring to his essence. When we are in a state of duality, or separatedness, we aren't aware of essence. It will seem as if the soul level of our existence is far away. "By entering another person's situation, by sharing and bonding, you begin to have the experience of literally abiding in someone else. God-consciousness carries this transformation to its final end. You are in everyone else, and everyone else is in you. Instead of perceiving any human being as an individual person, you see them as essence, or pure Being.
Know that you are not a separate person with “an understanding” to gain. You are already all of it.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
The Eternal Now
The Eternal Now
by Mooji
This mind is always oscillating between past and future, and it doesn't know right here, right now. There cannot be a history of Now! You don't need a concept to support Now. ... Now beyond the concept of now.
The Now I'm speaking about is not monitoring any external situation. It's not an 'event'!
And perceiving that which is, being what is, is also not an event. The perceiving of one's true nature is not an event. That happens in the eternal Now. That Now never becomes 'then' in the pure mind.
It means: Be totally present just as presence and Now means just being. It is just another reference name for yourself, your nature. What are you right here, right now? What can you define as yourself? How would you describe yourself? What can you say that holds the total fact of yourself?
From here, activity, however subtle, is seen as merely a transient play in consciousness. The whole universe is breathing in this.
Blessings to you, Mooji
Monday, February 15, 2010
Don't Think You Judge Others? Things?
Most of us would like to think that we don't judge other people, things, or circumstances. We all do it, though. For 13,000 years we humans have been doing exactly that. We see everything as polarized, opposites. Something is either good or bad, up or down, hot or cold. We like something or we don't like it. As a matter of fact, we judge everything that happens. This separate way of perceiving life has been keeping us separated from knowing the One Spirit.
For the last 13,000 years we have been in separation. Before that point in time, we were living in perfect balance, a Unity, a Oneness. According to the author, Bob Frissell, who wrote Nothing in This Book is True, But It's Exactly as Things Are, he states that: "Sixteen thousand years ago we violated galactic law. We were on a very high level of awareness at the time, far beyond where we are now, but by committing a certain illegal act we fell many dimensional levels until we landed in this dense aspect of the reality. We stopped breathing in the manner we formerly utilized, causing the prana or life force energy to bypass the pineal gland, the direct result of which is separation. We now experience ourselves as inside a body looking out at a world that is not us. "
We now know that there are no accidents, that this "fall" was necessary in order to allow for an ascent into higher consciousness. It is happening now, not someday out there in the future. Many will be ready for the ascent, when we will no longer be in separation, but in light bodies. We appear to be heading for an existence that is beyond our ability to even imagine!
Monday, February 8, 2010
There is No Bad
A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne
Creator of The Secret
From: The Secret Daily Teachings
Good is underneath every single thing that appears to be negative. If we can know that good is all there is, including in a negative situation, then we will see a negative situation transform into all good. Most people keep the good away from themselves because they label something as bad, and then, of course, that becomes their reality. But there is no bad in the Universe; it is just our inability to see things clearly from the bigger perspective.
Peace comes from knowing that good is all that exists.
May the joy be with you,
Creator of The Secret
From: The Secret Daily Teachings
Good is underneath every single thing that appears to be negative. If we can know that good is all there is, including in a negative situation, then we will see a negative situation transform into all good. Most people keep the good away from themselves because they label something as bad, and then, of course, that becomes their reality. But there is no bad in the Universe; it is just our inability to see things clearly from the bigger perspective.
Peace comes from knowing that good is all that exists.
May the joy be with you,
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Dream Nature of the Universe
There is a reason I chose this quote for today. It has to do with two friends of mine who died last week.
"When a man in the process of dreaming becomes conscious that he is dreaming, he is no longer identified with the phenomena; he is not affected exultantly or dolefully. God consciously dreams His cosmic play and is unaffected by it's dualities. A yogi who perceives his real self as separate from his active senses and their objects never becomes attached to anything. He is aware of the dream nature of the universe and watches it without being entangled in its complex but ephemeral nature."
~Paramahansa Yogananda (1893 - 1952)
Last week, two friends of mine died . It was a horrible murder/suicide committed by one of the friends against the other. I knew both of them well, one more so than the other one. The friend that I was closest to committed the murder and suicide. For a time in her life during a few months last year, I was caught up in her drama and her need for a close friend. I still have a picture of the three of us all having lunch together on a happy occasion, a birthday. But, she became possessive and needy, and I saw a manipulative, narcissistic side to her. I was afraid to pull back, knowing how depressed and unstable she was. I thought I could help her at one time, but discovered I was being pulled down with her into a dark place that I did not want to be. Finally, I knew I had to get away from her and suggested she seek professional help and possibly medication. Instead, she pulled the other friend into her web more closely and refused to let her go. About five months after I stopped all communications with her, she killed both of them.
I'm more aware of the dream nature of the universe, more unwilling to be entangled in its complex nature, as the quote from Yogananda stated. Instead, I'm more willing than ever before to live life fully, and to see God consciously dreaming his cosmic play through me and through everyone and everything.
"When a man in the process of dreaming becomes conscious that he is dreaming, he is no longer identified with the phenomena; he is not affected exultantly or dolefully. God consciously dreams His cosmic play and is unaffected by it's dualities. A yogi who perceives his real self as separate from his active senses and their objects never becomes attached to anything. He is aware of the dream nature of the universe and watches it without being entangled in its complex but ephemeral nature."
~Paramahansa Yogananda (1893 - 1952)
Last week, two friends of mine died . It was a horrible murder/suicide committed by one of the friends against the other. I knew both of them well, one more so than the other one. The friend that I was closest to committed the murder and suicide. For a time in her life during a few months last year, I was caught up in her drama and her need for a close friend. I still have a picture of the three of us all having lunch together on a happy occasion, a birthday. But, she became possessive and needy, and I saw a manipulative, narcissistic side to her. I was afraid to pull back, knowing how depressed and unstable she was. I thought I could help her at one time, but discovered I was being pulled down with her into a dark place that I did not want to be. Finally, I knew I had to get away from her and suggested she seek professional help and possibly medication. Instead, she pulled the other friend into her web more closely and refused to let her go. About five months after I stopped all communications with her, she killed both of them.
I'm more aware of the dream nature of the universe, more unwilling to be entangled in its complex nature, as the quote from Yogananda stated. Instead, I'm more willing than ever before to live life fully, and to see God consciously dreaming his cosmic play through me and through everyone and everything.